He can be found at home games roaming the sideline and cheering on his beloved team.
I guess they would like to have the so called cheaters join their beloved team.
"I'm very much disappointed in them," she said as she watched the playoff series slip away from her beloved team.
All this on an evening when Wells lost to his former, beloved team, 6-4.
So, in March, he signed for a 2 years contract with his most "beloved team".
Padrón suffered a long illness starting in the early 1990s, which affected the level of his beloved team as well.
In other words, women have just as much at stake with a beloved team as men.
Giannakis asked Tomić to be a part of the coaching staff, so he returned to his beloved team as an assistant coach.
He disregards their scorn and happily devotes himself to his beloved team.
The ones who have played there talk about the fans' loyalty and the throwback atmosphere of a small city (101,000 people) and its beloved team.