At that time, the group's average age was below 12 years.
Soon, average life expectancy will dip below 40 years in 10 African countries.
Designed for 2-8 players, below 10 years of age.
The matches are divided into two age divisions, above and below 16 years old.
Children below six years were 14% of the population.
The population below 7 years of age is 19403 (9867 males and 8757 females).
Since 1997, only players below 23 years are allowed to participate.
A view has been expressed by a section that only those below 15 years should be described as juvenile.
In 2010, the town's population was estimated at approximately 15,000, of whom about 60% were children below 18 years.
Young women are also dragging down the participation rate, especially those below 24 years of age.