A great many of our seats are being filled at below-cost prices.
From 1936, it was a profitable enterprise despite attempts by the German potash cartel to strangle the business by dumping potash at below-cost prices.
Until the 1990s, the CAP supported production: that caused hopeless distortions in the market, with the result that far too much of some crops were grown, the surplus being dumped at below-cost prices in the developing world.
The reason is that Pacific Bell would have to replace its artificially high prices for intercity connections by raising below-cost prices for basic service.
But he said if Congress were to break the 50-year contract promising below-cost prices, the mill might have to close down and leave Sitka.
The rest of the world rightfully regards those subsidies as unfair to poor countries, whose cotton farmers cannot compete against the below-cost prices at which American cotton sells.
The wide range results from below-cost price cutting to gain market share.
A federal appellate court described American's accusations this way: "American claims Harcourt offered its courses at below-cost prices, provided gratuities to law school administrators to obtain preferential treatment, and ripped down American's advertising materials.
In 1965, Schik wrote, printed and distributed 85,000 copies of booklets based on Rebbe Nachman's writings, selling them around the world at below-cost price.
Reacting to Japan's program to stimulate domestic consumption, the United States partially lifted economic sanctions imposed on Japan, which had been accused of dumping semiconductors at below-cost prices on the world market.