There is a basic waiting room and sheltered area on each platform with some bench seating.
The key reasons for losing the bids are the lack of modern luxury boxes, bench seating, and capacity.
There are also a spa and a fire pit surrounded by cushioned bench seating.
Vehicles with a bench seating and no headrest are required to use a high back booster.
Improvements have continued since then, including the erection of a new 125 seat stand, replacing two smaller stands with bench seating.
The park features a small, covered grandstand that contains all bench seating and seats about 1,200.
Cars numbered in the -1000 and -2000 subseries have longitudinal bench seating.
There is plenty of bench seating placed at the better viewing points.
The area around the dam has been upgraded for recreational use with a small car park and bench seating.
This reduced the number of seats per car when compared to standard bench seating, but had a higher capacity for standing.