He is a devoted environmental advocate, pursuing projects meant to benefit the needs of the planet and the world around us.
He predicted that one day it would become a book and would benefit people around the world.
This is a major but long overdue reform which will benefit around four million low-paid people, 80 per cent of whom are women.
It's a private night of discount shopping to benefit more than 300 charities around the state.
The measure was expected to benefit around 15,000 Peruvians and 2,000 Bolivians.
LaBL has since 2007 been developed to benefit many more people around the world.
Yesterday's settlement will benefit consumers around the world.
Peace: One must cultivate a peaceful manner in order to benefit oneself and those around one.
She believed the measures would benefit around 4,200 families and 7,300 children in her constituency.
"Or another pattern that will benefit you and those around you," Ilna added.