He benefited from a large personality cult in the Philippines during his regime.
Tourists benefit from county services during their stay, supporters of the tax say, and so they should pay a little extra to the county.
Critics say pay hikes should not benefit elected officials during their current terms of office.
The regime benefited during its first year in office from successful marketing of the cotton crop.
No clan invention will benefit a character during game play.
However, some people believe that certain parties benefited from the price increase during the ban.
Individuals diagnosed with cancer can benefit during and after treatment by following these to the best of their ability.
Already it has produced outstanding young singers who benefited from assistance during their training.
It seems only reasonable that commuters lay down a few bucks to help pay for the services from which they benefit during working hours.
Currently it is often the case that people with a higher education background also benefit more from education during the latter part of their lives.