But the budget problem can never be resolved if benefit entitlements are untouchable.
The other half would include reductions in benefit entitlements for the poor, sick and elderly - payments dear to Democratic hearts.
The cap on overall benefit entitlements will affect 210,000 children and could make as many as 80,000 homeless.
What is more, they would get absolutely nothing in benefit entitlement for this purported contribution.
Ministers cannot intervene in individual cases - about benefit entitlement, for example.
Can we not divert resources to those who are deserving of state help, and stop the benefit entitlement that such people expect when they have children.
They are expected so far as practicable to make decisions on benefit entitlement within 14 days, but this time limit is frequently exceeded.
Class 1A contributions do not provide any benefit entitlement for individuals.
These deductions could restore in part or in whole the benefit entitlement that you may have lost.
Class 4 National Insurance contributions don't count towards benefit entitlements.