US capital undoubtedly benefited from its ability to borrow via foreign central banks' holdings of dollar securities.
Yet some of those who have benefited from their ability to maintain their junior status are among New York's most generous givers.
Private litigants may even benefit from the Commission's ability to conduct more expeditious and thorough investigations.
"Republican candidates benefit from this committee's ability to raise money in a really big way," Mr. Heubusch said.
In all cases, clients can benefit from our ability to bring all our multidisciplinary skills and resources to bear on their problems.
Certainly, Apple's iTunes store has benefited from its ability to recommend songs and artists.
Consumers benefit from low prices and their computers' ability to sort through piles of merchandise quickly.
In addition, the sessions benefited as well from Taylor's ability as a slide guitarist.
"I believe we should work as a group today, to show him our way, and to benefit from his ability."
All New Yorkers benefited from his ability to muster a diverse Senate majority on such issues.