The corporate, political, and other leaders who make up the Initiative's membership are required to commit to projects that benefit humankind and to report on their progress each year.
While she does believe in the importance of Cerberus' agenda to benefit humankind, Kelly doesn't believe that it means they hate other species by default.
Mention has been made in an earlier chapter of Clemens's enthusiasms or "rages" for this thing and that which should benefit humankind.
The contact could be framed as a positive development that will benefit the nation and humankind.
Our work was not intended to benefit humankind.
She describes much of genetic engineering's potential to benefit humankind.
At first she thinks of how her newfound powers could benefit humankind (including making herself the first Mexican-American female president of the United States).
His concept of Business philanthropy is particularly notable and he is taking the legacy of his father Dr D Y Patil further by implementing projects that benefit humankind.
They reasoned that the knowledge gained would benefit humankind; however, it was determined afterward that the doctors did harm their subjects by depriving them of appropriate treatment once it had been discovered.
We reach for new heights and challenge our employees to carry out missions to benefit humankind.