In addition he is asking for $25 million more for occupational health programs that largely benefit minorities and that would have been cut by 37 percent.
The measure reflected a national mood against programs intended specifically to benefit minorities.
She has expressed a strongly favorable view of affirmative action plans that benefit minorities but has struck down some plans as too broad.
About £15 million of a total Partnership expenditure of £123 million was spent on projects likely to benefit ethnic minorities.
Many white Americans have turned not against blacks but against a strategy that emphasizes programs perceived to benefit only minorities.
More successful were his schemes to benefit women and underprivileged minorities, despite facing stiff opposition.
The programs will benefit women and minorities and the economically disadvantaged, even if it's only incrementally.
His outspoken, crusty manner and opposition to party changes intended to benefit minorities and women alienated many Democrats.
The many recommendations it made contradict another popular myth - that compensatory programs only benefit minorities.
In conclusion, I should like to emphasise that the law should benefit sexual majorities as well as sexual minorities.