Doctors are allowed to use drugs for any "off label" purposes that they think will benefit patients.
Whether the procedure will benefit older patients awaits further research.
But we need to balance this with a willingness to venture into new ways of knowing that might benefit patients.
The system is expected to benefit patients with central vision loss, the part of the vision normally used for reading.
Other new drugs are not harmful, but have not yet been shown to benefit patients in the long run.
Openness - The company believes that sharing health information openly has the potential to benefit patients.
He says the new set-up will benefit patients by cutting administration costs and freeing more money for health care.
This result will benefit patients and significantly cut waiting lists, which are sometimes excessively long.
"The next step," he said, "is to show how far we can benefit patients."
The therapy offered at Ackerman is meant to benefit not only families, but also patients.