Microbeads and magnetic separation technology have enabled a range of innovative methods to benefit research on disease prevention, medicine, and other fields to improve the human condition.
In doing so he was able to conclude that the virus was either a protein or closely related to one, thus benefiting experimental research.
The network will benefit on-site ecological research and provide a wireless mesh network testbed for development and analysis.
Dr. Snow's work provides an indication of how a GIS could benefit public health investigations and other research.
The State Attorney General estimated that as little as $3,500 might have actually benefited medical research or people with a specific disease.
The Trust's aims were to benefit basic medical research.
This will benefit research not only into the BSE disease, but also into new transmission mechanisms.
Where the money goes: Funds benefit research into new therapies to increase survival rates and cure breast cancer, and attempts to streamline the development process for new treatments.
During the late 1960s Williams decided that his growing collection should be placed in a library in Australia for safekeeping and to benefit future research.