We have a long and benevolent association, with mutual respect, ever since you helped this stutterer get started.
"They didn't give us a plan or options," said Anthony Longo, president of the benevolent association.
By the early 20th Century numerous churches, organizations, businesses, and benevolent associations had been organized.
The organization was founded to serve as a benevolent, historical, social and literary association.
They created a second "holy experiment" by extensive involvement in voluntary benevolent associations while remaining apart from government.
This transformed them from benevolent associations to providers of illegal services.
Acknowledging the decline in power, M. B. Lee said the benevolent association doesn't have the energy to keep up.
Although it has lost much of its stature, the benevolent association is not to be written off.
Mr. Ginesi, a former state corrections officer, headed the benevolent association from 1978 to 1996.
Richard Hartman, who has made millions of dollars as a consultant and insurance broker for the benevolent association, was also convicted.