Nor can I imagine a heaven presided over by a benevolent character in a long white beard locally known as God.
Moşul (the old man), is a mysterious benevolent character, symbol of wisdom and prosperity in Romanian mythology.
Since then, Kamalich has worked in a considerable number of telenovelas, usually playing benevolent characters.
Despite his rather ghastly appearance, Taxidermy is a mostly benevolent character and very much an intellectual.
Emphasizing the relationship between Prospero and Sycorax demonstrates the ambiguity of Prospero's supposedly benevolent character.
Born of fire, it can be a tempestuous, vindictive, benevolent or sometimes just downright grumpy character, after thousands of years trapped in a lamp.
Whilst the post Parkinson's Ali is a far more reflective and benevolent character, a man transformed by his life experiences.
The law incorporated the Civil Air Patrol and stated that the purpose of the organization was to be "solely of a benevolent character".
Elizabeth and Abraham, two apparently benevolent characters who later turn out to be murderers, have the initials "E" and "A".
She was also a member of various other bodies of a religious or benevolent character.