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But Landmark had a good reputation before it came to Kenwood and before Mrs. Ethridge's benevolent concern.
They see it as merely a way to reinforce defense industries and spread American capitalism behind a mask of benevolent concern for human rights.
Edu Kando was scowling as he rounded the corner, but by the time he reached them his expression had turned to benevolent concern.
There is also benevolent concern about the law drying up one's imagination.
(7) LOVE - All true seekers display devotion, unselfish loyalty, and benevolent concern for the good of all true seekers.
It can also be a virtue representing human kindness, compassion, and affection-"the unselfish loyal and benevolent concern for the good of another".
What drove him, he contends, was not greed but benevolent concern for Kokang's struggling poppy growers.
The Western world looked on with benevolent concern.
Regular readers of this blog might recall that I've tended to vacillate between wide-eyed anticipation and benevolent concern when it comes to the subject of Marvel.
The programs include a wide variety of educational, inspirational, and organizational activities for youth and adults related to the religious, benevolent, and social concerns of the Religious Society of Friends.