The elves Gram had met were happy, benevolent creatures.
In the Brutal Legend video game, Titans are a race of benevolent creatures who invented music and left it for the modern world.
This is in contrast to Asian dragons, who are traditionally depicted as more benevolent creatures.
It is a benevolent, wise and loving creature but is also capable of making great sacrifices.
Chinese dragons are benevolent creatures, give the emperors their power, and are representative of all the forces of nature.
Some villagers and benevolent creatures will also provide information.
The Dragons are described as god-like, benevolent creatures with metallic bones, teeth and claws.
In Japanese culture, for example, most dragons were seen as benevolent creatures that protected people's earthly treasures.
In March, several companies gathered, and their "Prince" instructed them to be benevolent creatures.
They're really benevolent creatures; they prefer what's already dead.