He had a willing, benevolent face.
He turned an almost benevolent face upon Colin.
She turned, finding herself looking directly into the face of the old Han - a smiling, benevolent face.
MacDonald slowly rebuilt the party during his tenure as leader, and provided it with a benevolent public face.
It was a benevolent face, but there was a hardness around the lips, a pinched expression about the nose.
Both men had gaunt, benevolent faces shadowed by a war that was ripping society apart.
He had the same fluffy white hair and round, benevolent face, the hint of a smile at the corner of the full, cherubic lips.
Very gradually the wise, impressive, benevolent face they remembered began to take shape on the panel.
When in the hot seat, Ms. Sarnoff advises, "put on a benevolent face."
But was it a malevolent or a benevolent face?