"But they have to consider institutionalizing this stream of thought so it is not just the idea of a benevolent leader."
General Qassim's period was noted by the usual round of commemoratives, many featuring him as benevolent leader.
If the player was a benevolent leader but lost large sums of civilians, many citizens who return will still praise the player.
For one thing, Kirk was a philosopher king, a supreme and benevolent leader in his twenty-three-deck realm.
The benevolent leader would know what to do with the unbelievable information.
"The benevolent leader maximizes performance through facilitation," they write.
Saddam, who slaughtered tens of thousands of his own men, women, and children, is obviously going to paint himself as a benevolent leader.
Whether or not this story is true is unknown, but it reflects the popular appraisal of Zheng who was seen as a benevolent leader.
The idea is to make the human owner the benevolent "leader of the pack."
A benevolent and just leader, the Kaiser married late, having dedicated his life to his people.