Even slight departures from this wording for example, referring to 'charitable and benevolent purposes' may mean that this requirement is not met.
The descendants of some of the older aristocratic families donated their residential buildings for benevolent purposes.
Even small, seemingly innocuous, departures from this precise wording such as 'charitable or benevolent purposes' may mean that this requirement is not met.
He was always ready to write and speak for educational, religious, and benevolent purposes, though such action was not calculated to forward his political ambitions.
In question is whether a judge - even for a benevolent purpose - ought to involve the court in a deception.
As to money, my present business gives me all I need, and money to spare for benevolent purposes.
And it was from the gifts bestowed upon him towards the execution of this benevolent purpose, that he recruited his finances, as just now observed.
They were acting for a benevolent purpose, and in light of the brutal attack a delay may have resulted in the unnecessary loss of life.
It is clear that this exclusion also covers services provided by churches and church organisations which serve charitable and benevolent purposes.
We gave them technology, and they used it for benevolent purposes.