First described in children, this unusual and poorly understood disease of the connective tissues has a much more benign course in adults.
Patients generally have a benign course, and typically present with hepatomegaly and growth retardation early in childhood.
This condition, which often occurs in prepubertal boys at intervals several months apart over a period of many years, has a benign self-limited course.
Viral meningitis tends to run a more benign course than bacterial meningitis.
Indeed, this disease was previously referred to as "benign familial hematuria" because of its usually benign course.
The vast majority of the tumors of the heart have a benign course and are not directly fatal.
This happy result does not occur in every patient, but approximately one third of those undergoing "intestinal bypass" have a relatively benign course.
I was never told of the alternative of not inserting any tube and letting nature take its benign course.
In many cases, the degeneration is limited to the mitral valve and follows a benign course.
Although most reports have noted a benign course for these tumors, they are relatively resistant to chemotherapy and can be fatal.