The Americans, they argued, were a benign presence.
But he questioned whether even law-abiding transfer stations would ever be a benign presence in a neighborhood.
She could vividly picture the milky white waters glowing with the benign presence of the goddess.
Now she is a benign presence which gives the engang a heart.
But he feels their benign presence, sustaining him, nourishing him.
Cupped in some great hand, a feeling she remembered from those camping trips, when she had felt the land under her as a benign presence.
That, we hoped, would fall before the benign presence of Witted ones in the Queen's own court.
The Panthers are portrayed as a benign presence, devoted largely to giving breakfast to poor children.
He is a benign presence in what is not always a placid environment.
Their new home is haunted by all sorts of benign magical presences.