If they know there's a way out, or alternate and more benign sources of supply.
Yet whether you see God as an almighty judge who punishes or as a benign source of inner peace, he isn't exclusively that.
"The promise of nuclear fusion as a safe, environmentally benign and affordable source of energy is bright," the panel's report said.
Sudden lights, noise and movement from seemingly benign sources can be very effective break-in busters.
California seems to be running out of affordable, environmentally benign sources of water.
It was almost certain that it came from a benign source.
And some contend that the electricity they deliver will come only from solar power, dams or other environmentally benign sources.
Alarms caused by benign radioactive sources are referred to as nuisance alarms.
We will attempt to meet a substantial part of our energy needs from benign, renewable sources of energy.
And they cherish the opportunity to receive good pay from a relatively benign source.