But he touched his fingertips to his bent nose.
Mason is described as having a "bent back, long nose, and shrivelled chin".
Captain Webber pushed his sharp bent nose across the desk at me and said: "Sit down."
That's a mighty bent nose you got there.
"And I didn't want to be married to a punch-drunk guy with a bent nose and cauliflower ears."
From the bent nose a glassless window winked, the opening squeezed almost shut.
The chieftain's bushy eyebrows and bent nose made it impossible for him to look innocent, whether he was or not.
She wouldn't be my daughter if she had the bent nose and scraggy hair of some I could mention.
A slow smile spread across his face, and grabbing his bent nose, he began to nod slowly.
Would they redo the bent nose, drop a rug over the thinning hair?