The bereaved husband, Mr. Cedar said, was talking about the new homes that would be built in the settlement to redeem their deaths.
In fact, I've never known a bereaved husband to take quite such a keen interest in forensics.
Thus joined, the bereaved husband and bereaved brother watched Tessa's coffin disappear beneath the soil.
The bereaved husband sat alone, a little apart from the others.
You are a bereaved husband and a bereaved father.
Now wasn't the time to inform the bereaved husband that Paul had turned his back on his congregation.
He must arrange for one between this poor, ill-rewarded servant and her bereaved husband, who, unfortunately for the lady, had recently remarried.
This early version was only 11 quatrains and the lines were spoken by a bereaved husband.
They reached the spot where the bereaved husband stood: and stopped.
At the same time, he couldn't let a suspected murderer con him by playing the bereaved husband.