On 22 September, a Turkish relief army arrived, and immediately attacked the besieging forces.
Reports of these plans made their way to the commanders of the besieging forces, who decided that additional defensive steps were necessary.
They agreed to surrender to Walker and were taken off in order to save them from the vengeance of the besieging forces.
They would attempt to do as much damage to the besieging forces as possible.
Combined with horrific living conditions forced upon by the besieging forces, the result was thousands of refugees leaving the city.
Gage also worked with the newly-arrived generals on a plan to break the grip of the besieging forces.
The besieging forces know they have all day.
At the culmination of the assault, the besieging forces managed to make a breach in the walls.
Finally, they attempted a desperate escape, breaking out through the besieging forces, on the night of 10 April 1826.
The Qurayza did not take any actions to support them until the besieging forces retreated.