Her grandfather's city was completely surrounded by the besieging troops of Pew Mogel.
The ship withdrew at the request of the Japanese, following contemptuous messages sent by the rebels to the besieging troops:
Supplies were arriving at the crowded port of Balaclava but it was impossible to convey them to the besieging troops who were increasingly suffering from disease, frostbite and malnutrition.
They ferried troops into the cities, evacuated wounded and bombarded the besieging German troops.
Finally King Ratan Singh gave orders that the Rajputs would open the gates and fight to death with the besieging troops.
The besieging troops were reinvigorated by the arrival of Elvira and her nephew Ramiro III, who then took overall control and led an attack on the city.
In 1627, Richelieu ordered the army to besiege the Huguenot stronghold of La Rochelle; the Cardinal personally commanded the besieging troops.
Soon no less a person than Oliver Cromwell himself arrived to take command of the besieging troops.
Cardinal Richelieu acted as the commander of the besieging troops (during those times when the King was absent).
If Kelcrag retreated to his own lands, he'd come under seige, and ultimately lose if the besieging troops could be supplied and rotated.