Brie and Camembert are best bought from a cheese shop.
Tickets are best bought at newsagents and at the ticket machines now being put in place at various high traffic areas.
Snacks like chips and ice cream are best bought in single-serving packages.
Tickets are best bought a day in advance from the Shanghai Huangpu River Guide Company, at 239 Zhongshan Dongyi Road, 6374-4461 or 6311-5819.
Hazelnuts are hard-shelled and are best bought shelled.
These fish are best bought when young, as the larger wild-caught ones very rarely adapt to life in an aquarium, refusing food no matter what persuasion is used.
The durians are best bought on the way down from the Highlands; because of their septic odor they are banned by many hotels.
That is where the quirks come in: most closed-end funds trade at a discount to their net asset value and are best bought in the secondary market, not when first issued.
Radishes are best bought in bunches with their leaves still on.
The stylized graphics and bloody sense of humor give the game its own feel and personality, and the online co-op means this is a game best bought in groups of four.