As usual, I'll also be looking at the conference news in the papers and the best comment on the web.
The writer of the best comment made every month will win a £25 National Book Token.
Each quarter, the bookshop with the best comments will be chosen to host an event.
South Park is some of the very best social comment and satire on TV today.
This still seems to me the best comment on the particular and the universal tone in literature.
The best comment upon that comes in his own words a few pages later.
We've drawn together the best comments from our live discussion about whether the government is asking too much of housing.
Fouts can be good, but not too often; his best comments are standard for the best analysts.
"But we need to have filters that will enable readers to find the best comments."
I'm going to click on the link in the best comment and hopefully that person gets at least a C+ based on my efforts.