Is there a certain way they have to be cut back in order to make the best display?
Then again, the Yankees' spectacular collapse this week was the best display of teamwork the city has seen in a while.
Last year they scooped a gold and the award for the best creative display.
Besides, it wouldn't be the best display for everyone watching to see us destroy another ship on our first run!
This is probably the best display of Golden Barrels in the world.
But the iMac screen is one of the best 15-inch displays available.
Most of all, he observed, "paper has infinitely better resolution than the world's best displays today."
Anderson said it was the best display of slip catching he could remember.
With this team, he lived his best displays on the field.
This award is presented to the school that best displays fair play, hard work, sportsmanship and pride in all they do.