Plans have been made to incorporate the best footage from the series into a feature-length film directed by Werner Herzog.
If the project was a success, Sony had agreed to manage a general theatrical release of the best footage.
This is perhaps the best live footage of Buzzoven in existence.
At 02:47 27th Oct 2011, Belgarath001 wrote: Quite possibly the best footage of anything I have seen in my life.
The best footage from each of the two concert dates was edited into the film, which was released on December 29, 1964.
On this expedition, he filmed some of the best footage of seals ever seen, though did not succeed in acquiring a whale specimen.
Though, after having much of his best footage in Iraq censored by the network, Jake is growing disillusioned with his corporate masters.
The best footage is available for everybody to make their own video for the song at
Everyone has had different injuries throughout which is a good sign and Steve-O is probably getting the best footage out of everybody.
Some of our best footage from the summer!