Despite his success, Stevens doesn't intend to ride for as many years as most of the best jockeys do.
"I heard she was making a comeback, and I had to show my girls that one of the best jockeys in world was a woman."
Lloyd laughs and remarks that the chicken is the best live jockey around.
Argentina's best jockeys come to this distant oasis of spirituality for good luck.
He rose to become one of the best jockeys in the country.
The award for best jockey was won by Gary Stevens.
That year, with 91 wins he ranked as the best jockey in the world.
He became one of Australia's best jockeys in the 1950s and '60s.
And for my father's sake also, Archangel had to have the best jockey he could.
He says he knows that, is more dedicated than ever to being the best jockey possible.