Previously it had been awarded the "Masina de scris" award granted to the year's best unpublished manuscript.
Only a handful of the best manuscripts are passed on to the club's panel of judges to be possible books of the month.
It was one of the best manuscripts of Matthaei.
According to the textual critics it is one of the best minuscule manuscripts of the New Testament.
He received the 1956 Beveridge Award for the best manuscript on American history submitted by a beginning historian.
The best manuscript has Arian leanings, which are not found in other manuscripts because this material would have been censured as heretical.
The latter occurs in some of the best manuscripts, and in inscriptions.
"Since 1996, prices have gone up 50 percent for the best manuscripts," he said.
According to Scrivener it was one of the best manuscript examined by Matthaei.
According to analysis of the best manuscripts, the various copies all derive from a single archetype.