Settle into a position that gives you your best stretch, and hold for 30 seconds.
Perhaps the best stretch of his career, was in 2006 and 2007.
But one of the best stretches of action came midway through the second period.
Woods's best stretch came a few months after he turned pro.
Saline Beach is said to be the island's best stretch of sand.
St. John's played its best stretch of the game in the opening minutes of the second half.
They are 7-2-2 in their last 11, their best stretch of the season.
He has given up 5 goals in his last 167 minutes, his best stretch since February.
That would be the best such stretch for the index since 1954-55, when it rose 73.9 percent.
"I thought that was our best stretch of the ball game," Carlesimo said.