And she won best actress honors for Gia, not best supporting.
Because of the minimum best support test, the number of attributes used in a data treatment usually remain small.
"He advocates a deregulatory environment that he believes will best support the growth of competitive markets and benefit consumers."
The leader of the dance will best support the follower by giving clear direction.
While battles over the content of ads continue, marketers must also decide which media outlets will best support their goals in 2004.
The Review considered how Government can best support regeneration of the former mining communities.
Which images and image categories best support jump height?
This article raises the important question of how the international community can best support peace, statebuilding and development in South Sudan.
Above all, we will be able to share experience and knowledge there on how we can best support the development of renewable energy by political means.
We are looking at how we might best support his Office, but we are not in the business of parallel structures.