By the summer of 1966 The Great Society was one of the best-known bands in San Francisco.
The girl band Vanilla Ninja were also one of the best-known Estonian bands before their hiatus.
Later, Scott toured with some of the best-known British bands of the era.
Big Star, a Memphis band that lasted from 1971 to 1974, was the best-known nonhit band of the 1970's.
One of the best and best-known Cajun bands, led by the charismatic fiddle player Michael Doucet.
Thanks to the song, Banda Blanca became the best-known Honduran band.
It has since grown into a two-week party known for hosting free live shows featuring some of Montreal's best-known underground bands - and a few underdogs.
The Arkestra never was as popular as jazz's best-known big bands, but it did have a steady following and was highly regarded in jazz circles.
"The best-known band I did was Twisted Sister."
By the end of the 1940s, the Perkins Brothers were the best-known band in the Jackson area.