The system's best-known building, the lion-guarded central library on Fifth Avenue at 42d Street, is restricted to research.
The building has also received many awards, making it one of the best-known residential buildings of Dorset.
It is a fitting homecoming for a man who designed some of Westchester's best-known buildings.
It is the area's best-known building, and has been in continuous educational use since it was built.
His best-known buildings were built in the 1960s-distinctive and original towers with a sculptural quality.
Parliament House is one of Melbourne's best-known buildings of great public importance.
The 50-story tower, with its Gothic fretwork and pyramid cap, has become one of the city's best-known buildings.
Probably the best-known building is the old headquarters of the Slovak National Theatre (opera).
Hundreds of homes and businesses and most of the best-known public buildings were lost, including the old "State House."
The sale represents one more loss for Japanese investors who snapped up some of the city's best-known buildings in the 1980's.