Recado rojo is used for the area's best-known dish, cochinita pibil.
The best-known dish from the area is birria, a stew of beef, mutton or pork with chili peppers and spices.
Egg noodles, without a hint of heat, are another good choice, but the pad thai, perhaps Thailand's best-known dish, is disappointing.
Having survived a revolution, several purges and now perestroika, chicken Kiev is still the best-known dish in the capital city of the Ukraine.
Perhaps Shula's best-known dish is its 48-ounce porterhouse.
The best-known dish is a meat stew called bozbaş.
Mee krob, the house version of Thailand's best-known dish, was less successful.
Sautéed reindeer is the best-known dish in Lapland.
The best-known German dish which is traditionally served with pease pudding is Eisbein.
One of his best-known dishes is a pea and mint soup.