Between seasons of the show, he made one of his best-known movies, Animal House.
Everyone knows; it's surely one of the best-known movies ever made.
And "Touch of Evil" is not even Welles's best-known movie.
Solis was featured in several of the best-known and critically acclaimed movies of Philippine cinema.
His best-known movie is Terms of Endearment, for which he received three Academy Awards in 1984.
Like the same writer-director's best-known movie,The Big Chill, this is an ensemble piece.
He is arguably the country's best-known movie critic as well as one of its most widely-read (and discussed) columnists.
Probably his best-known movie roles are in two films starring Eddie Murphy: 48 Hrs.
The best-known movie short follows a blind man cheerfully navigating city streets.
It is one of the best-known movies of Czechoslovak New Wave.