Hugo Meisl was one of the best-known personalities in the beginnings of the Austrian Football Association.
ONE of the best-known personalities on the North American bridge scene was the late Paul Heitner.
He is one of China's best-known personalities of the guitar in general (not just the classical guitar).
Known for his biting wit, flamboyant dress and glittering conversation, Wilde became one of the best-known personalities of his day.
Luther Masingill is the station's best-known personality.
An obituary noted that "he was a man of almost proverbial modesty... one of the most original and best-known personalities of Munich."
Kieu Chinh soon became one of South Vietnam's best-known personalities.
Perhaps the region's best-known personality, he opened the doors of his big converted barn in 1979.
Emil Cioran is the best-known personality to have been born in this area.