Bulking large at home, he was the best-known representative of Hawaii abroad.
Goldstein is probably the best-known public representative of the hacker underground today, and certainly the best-hated.
The best-known representative of the movement was Edith Södergran.
The common donkey is the best-known domesticated representative of the subgenus, with both domesticated and feral varieties.
Since 1993 he has worked for the Sikh community and is probably its best-known representative in Britain.
The best-known representatives of the Terror were too young not to be ham-handed.
They are derived from Streptomyces species, whose best-known representative - Streptomyces coelicolor - was completely sequenced in 2002.
Its best-known representative is the garden lettuce (Lactuca sativa), with its many varieties.
Galanthus nivalis is the best-known and most widespread representative of the genus Galanthus.
He was among the best-known classical representatives of contemporary verse in Kosovo.