The secret is to realize that despite your worries,you are still the best-qualified person to make these decisions.
"Saying you're the best-qualified person in all of Starfleet," Mueller said to her readily.
Mr. Mecklowitz said he believed that the board should choose "the best-qualified person" to be chancellor.
Asked to pick the best-qualified person to lead the nation from among six well-known figures in recent Polish history, a substantial majority favored "none of the above."
I happen to be the best-qualified person in the administration to talk to you about your present situation.
"The search committee is concerned about the best-qualified person, without boundaries," said Georgia Whidden, the institute's spokeswoman.
"I believed Mr. Hoover was the best-qualified person for the job."
'But, as so often happens in our business, an opportunity has arisen which we feel you are the best-qualified person to exploit at short notice.'
"It does loosen things up, and gives us an opportunity to get the best-qualified person," Mr. Gulli said.
I think he is the best-qualified person, isn't he?