A year later Lucky Strike accounted for one fifth of U.S. cigarette sales, and the brand was among the five best-selling US-consumed cigarettes.
Philip Morris's Marlboros are the world's best-selling cigarette.
The Suchard deal would move Philip Morris's business further out of cigarettes, still its main source of profits led by Marlboro, the best-selling cigarette in the world.
But it compares quite favorably with a brand like Kool, Brown & Williamson's best-selling regularly priced cigarette, which has a share that is just under 3 percent.
Marlboro remains America's best-selling cigarette, with a market share almost equal to those of the No. 2 through No. 6 brands combined.
Marlboro grew to become the best-selling cigarette in Hong Kong, at least in part because of the change, Philip Morris executives believed.
It makes Marlboro, the world's best-selling cigarette and, quite possibly, the most successful packaged good ever.
It has been the best-selling cigarette for the last 14 years.
For 15 years it has been the best-selling cigarette in the world.
Small Gain for Miller Beer Philip Morris's Marlboro brand is the world's best-selling cigarette.