The book's rise to bestseller status must be attributed in part to its timing.
Despite the controversy, much media attention and a bestseller status in the Netherlands and Belgium, the game was not a huge success worldwide.
In 1986, he emigrated to Australia, where he first performed, and his recordings achieved bestseller status.
With the book's bestseller status Pelton has become an expert on work and travel in "high-risk" environments.
This led to the book's publication by Viking Press, and its rapid rise to bestseller status.
David Lehman publicly commented that poetry in America retains its vitality for both the poet and reader, after the 1989 series book attained bestseller status.
The book has achieved bestseller status in China.
It is estimated that 200,000 new books are published each year in the U.S., and less than 1% achieve bestseller status.
This information could be used to identify a potential for bestseller status and recommend fine tuned advertising and publicity efforts accordingly.
The book went on to achieve bestseller status in the 1990s.