But a reader now, seeing the Internet turn betting pools into oceans around all sports, can locate ambiguity anywhere he likes.
Of course, you give up certain things, too, like color laser printers, sports betting pools and the illicit thrill of free office supplies.
I rarely win betting pools.
Collectors' Web sites have seethed with speculation about the sale price, and enthusiasts even organized betting pools.
Most people are familiar with parlays through office betting pools or football cards.
There were office betting pools on everything imaginable, and unimaginable, too.
There were even betting pools on some of the more obnoxious tabloid characters.
Many are probably participating in betting pools at work or at bars and grocery stores where illegality and organized crime seem distant accomplices.
Football, played once a week and featuring tailgate parties and betting pools, retained the interest of some fans, and attendance recovered after an initial drop.
The men and women cooped up in the crowded base had set up betting pools.