How do you go from being a beta male to an alpha male, and what are the implications on your everyday life?
So, being a beta male is the sweet spot.
However, Penelope has also been seen socializing with some other beta males around the harem, much to the dismay of the alpha.
Jamie always considered himself the beta male of the family, which gave him the idea for the title of their debut album.
"If I did, it was my right as beta male."
I have never given a moment's thought to whether a candidate for office was an alpha male or a beta male.
His definition of a "beta male," in particular, just about killed me.
Also, beta males will continue to help the nest even when a new alpha male takes over the site to avoid being evicted.
However, in some cases, females can be the largest, followed by the alpha male, and then beta males.
How typically do beta males succeed in the laboratory of real life?