"Some abuse me in the marketplace," she said, spitting a red stream of betel juice.
Their teeth were stained; their lips made them appear as if they'd been drinking blood, but that was just the betel juice.
Murmurings and spittings of betel juice began to spread through the assembly.
More alarming is the irrefutable use of betel juice.
I had a mouth full of red betel juice.
Children played with a puppy, men spat betel juice, women stood statuesque by the dhobi place.
Her lips, bright from the betel juice, were a gory contrast to her pale Northern complexion.
She resisted the urge to spit out the betel juice.
I always chew my meetha paan to the last drop of betel juice.
The old rusty ship was jammed with traffic: antique trucks, baby chickens, men spitting bullets of red betel juice.