Consequently, some younger members would like a more fiery leader and better campaigner to be Prime Minister.
Romney is a better campaigner than he was in 2008 and could soak up anti-Obama votes.
Mr. Bush acknowledged that his son might be the better campaigner.
Will tonight's outcome depend on who's a better campaigner or debater?
He is universally acknowledged to be a better campaigner than his father and is less likely to risk his neck parachuting.
Who is the better campaigner and debater?
Spano is a much better campaigner, but I don't know that you can beat huge amounts of money by doing train stations.
"Clinton's a better campaigner than Kerry," Mr. Black said.
I think Edwards is a better campaigner, younger and has more appeal.
It has been like this for some time: we elect the better campaigner, not the better candidate.