Other low-order models could be substituted here for better compression at the cost of speed.
It achieves typically 5% better compression than zlib at the expense of speed, although decompression speed is unaffected.
Booster created the first code; it was later optimized for better compression.
PNG offers better compression and more features than GIF, animation being the only significant exception.
In February 2006, a 167-megabyte version 1.1 was released, featuring better audio compression, as well as a version for the Macintosh.
Without caps, so the argument goes, Netflix has little incentive to think about better compression; why not just blast huge HDTV streams down the wire?
Its the same reason that people put nitrous in their cars to super-cool the air going in so they get better compression.
There is a currently developed fork of the code named Lagarith which offers better compression at the cost of greatly reduced speed on uniprocessor systems.
It generally allows for between 10% and 120% better compression.
Fractal Tree indexes effectively replaces small, frequent writes with larger, less frequent ones, which enables better compression, insertion performance.