For him, each satisfied Rebel user becomes a better customer.
One of the better customers for the Chieftain was Iran prior to 1978.
Some companies have recently begun synchronizing their catalog, Web and retail operations, which they hope will yield not only better customer service but higher profits.
It is concentrating its marketing on attracting better customers.
The catalog is to show our better customers the breadth of our products.
Banks are often willing to dole out breaks on rates and fees rather than lose better customers.
A movement is under way that would provide lower interest rates for a bank's better customers, though the availability of the cards is spotty.
The new name is intended to give a better customer representation of the business, its location and operations.
The society says that developing the systems for the transfer will mean it can offer existing customers a better service online.
Some banks and brokerage houses offer it free to their better customers.