But better demonstrate to the others that he was a conscientious as well as an easy-going officer.
What could better demonstrate the absorption of the Holocaust into the mainstream - or raise more apprehension - than an association with Disney?
Sam, maybe we'd better demonstrate.
No, it isn't, but as I say, it's something better demonstrated than explained, and we will demonstrate it.
However, it better demonstrates the population of the city.
That state is proposing a more subtle "growth model" that would allow schools to better demonstrate progress without jeopardizing past academic accomplishments.
The committee called for more studies that would better demonstrate the drug's efficacy.
With a separate function for it, we can better demonstrate this property:
Ms Naylor said, 'I think you'd better demonstrate, Lucas.'
"Nowhere is the cupidity and nobility of man better demonstrated than in the judicial arena" was the sort of thing he was apt to say.